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Crs Piglet이 현실화?

Team Curse has made an offer to Piglet


Team Curse Gaming has made an offer to Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin

Earlier this month, Team Curse Gaming parted ways with their long time AD Carry David "Cop" Robinson and stated that they will be searching both domestically and internationally for his replacement. Soon after, SKT Telecom T1 announced the release of Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin, Lee "PoohManDu" Jeong-hyeon and Cho "H0R0" Jae-hwan from their starting roster. Rumours and jokes about "Crs Piglet" began to circulate after Piglet stated that he had received offers from International teams.

onGamers can confirm that Team Curse Gaming has made an offer to Piglet to be part of the starting roster for Team Curse. Speaking to onGamers, Steve "LiQuiD112" Arhancet said the following:

"Yes, we have given an offer to Piglet. We hope he accepts, I know he’s nervous about moving to the US – but I’m committed to making sure he’s comfortable while he’s here."

Steve "LiQuiD112" Arhancet

Piglet was most notably known as the AD Carry for SK Telecom T1 K and was instrumental the victory over Royal Club at the 2013 League of Legends World Championships. He also helped lead the team to two consecutive OGN 'The Champions' victories and was widely considered the best ad carry in the world during the latter half of 2013 but has struggled to play to his maximum potential this year.

Nilu Kulasingham is the Head of League of Legends Journalists for onGamers, you can follow him on Twitter.

Travis Gafford is a Senior Content Creator for onGamers, you can follow him on Twitter and like him on Facebook

Image credits: lolesports.com

Crs의 원딜러 'Cop' 로버슨 선수의 팀 탈퇴 시기와

SKT T1 K의 원딜러'Piglet' 최광진 선수의 계약 종료 시기가 맞물리면서 Crs Piglet 이라는 농담이 나돌았는데

팀 커스가 피글렛 선수에게 입단 제의를 한것이 팀 커스의 오너 Steve Arhancet에 의해 확인 되었다고 합니다.

아직 피글렛 선수의 답변은 받지못했지만 Steve Arhancet는 피글렛 선수가 입단 제의를 수락 해주길 바란다며,

미국 생활에 대해 많은 걱정을 하고 있을거란걸 알지만 오게 된다면 정말 편히 있게 해줄것이라며

피글렛 선수 영입에 강한 의지를 드러냈습니다.

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172,866 (51%) / 185,001 ( 다음 레벨까지 12,135 / 마격까지 10,884 남음 )

이니 74,053

베니 416

제니 183

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