링크와 원문을 복사했습니다. (어줍잖은 영어실력이라 번역 대신 원문으로 복사붙여넣기합니다.)

문제시 삭제하겠습니다.

Howdy Friends,

<Insert hype about current patch>. Now, on to what’s plaguing many of our hearts and minds:

  • We’re still working on optimizations and more meaningful settings so frame rate is acceptable when things get real (see 4v4 players if you need to channel feelings about this one)
  • Custom games are rounding the bend; we’re resolving multiple issues with lobbies and easily reproducible disconnects on popular maps


  • Multiple fixes for crashes
  • A host of art updates to models, animations, and effects
  • Chat window can now be embiggened in multiple directions
  • Collections activated
    • Select which hero will fight for you on the field of battle
    • Begin climbing the proverbial win mountain toward portrait unlocks (progress will be reset when we go live)

https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/warcraft3/t/beta-known-issues-list/ 1.0k


  • Custom lobbies and games