출처 : 사제 디스코드

너프 후 이전 빌드도 여전히 쓸만하지만, 대체 가능한 몇가지 새로운 빌드가 등장했음. 
왜곡된 현실이나 어둠의 승천 빌드가 경쟁력이 있는 것 같음. 
아마 적어도 다음주정도나 raidbots 다음 빌드쯤 시뮬레이션 가능할 듯.

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번역기의 도움을 받은거라 + 내용 요약하다가 오류가 있을까 싶어서 원문도 같이 첨부

10.1 Hotfixes
This week there were hotfixes launched adjusting some of the damage of our kit. Full breakdown: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/class-tuning-incoming-%E2%80%93-june-27/1618218

Rough numbers pulled from logs/sims:
0.5% loss in single target
4-6% loss in sustained AoE
2-4% overall loss in keys

With these changes we have also seen a rise in a few new builds. These are not replacing the old builds, but rather options you can run instead. This means you can run all the same builds you did before and still be competitive/optimal. You just now have some choices.

TLDR: Distorted Reality and/or Dark Ascension builds are more competitive.

I've created a detail breakdown of the changes here: https://gist.github.com/seanpeters86/eeeac20dc9d9835567f2beb1b8c80d6b

These changes will propagate to guides, the sim charts, and the discord pins over the next few days as we finalize things.

Note to sim with any of the changes ensure you are on Nightly or Latest build in raidbots at least for the next week or so.