북미 8~10티어 수리비 25% 감소 이벤트를  합니다  기간은 1달입니다


고티어들 부담없이 타셔도  될듯합니다   프리미엄쉽은 제외입니다~



Complete missions to unlock a special commemorative flag!

For the entire month of May, we've got missions and Premium bundles to keep you sailing smooth. To answer the burning question of "What's with all the extras? C'mon, WG, can't you just sell us bundles of just Signal Flags?" -- yes. Yes we can. Check out the selection below!

We're also pleased to announce that we're extending the reduced repair experiment through May.

Starts May 1 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
Ends June 1 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET

Reduced Repair Costs

25% Reduced Repairs for ships VIII-X*

*These discounts only apply to non-Premium ships.