EU 서버 알파 모집이 꽤 오랫동안 없었는데, 아시아 서버 알파 테스터 모집과 비슷한 시기에 다시 개시되었습니다.


일단 전문입니다.





We’re pleased to inform you that we’re resuming recruitment for the World of Warships Closed Alpha Test in the EU region! If you count yourself among the dedicated ones, eager to spend time participating in test sessions, and are confident writing feedback in good English, then don’t hesitate to enlist today!


If you meet the criteria below, feel free to post your interest in our forum topic


We will be looking at (in decreasing order of importance):

- WoT and WoWp Alpha Test Veterans
- experience in alpha testing other games
- being a professional tester, or an IT specialist
- proactivity and decency


We would also like to ask you to provide us with information about the basic hardware setup of the machine you will be running the game on.


What has NO effect on the application:

- amount of battles in WoT and WoWp
- win rate
- age
- country
- city


Please note: Previous applications that have not yet received access will also be considered in this recruitment round.


Access to and participation in the CAT will also depend on you signing a legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreement with Wargaming Europe, accepting test rules and regulations and attendance during testing sessions. Details on this and other particulars will be provided to eligible applicants.


Those accepted will be notified via an email sent to the address bound to their forum account.


This round of recruitment will remain open until we have reached the number of new testers we want to add, so we cannot promise access for every applicant. However, we hope to be able to take everyone aboard.


Action Stations!




1차 모집 때와는 다르게 공식 포럼 게시글 제한이 사라졌습니다.

얼마나 뽑는지에 대해서는 이야기가 없네요.