올해 말 클로즈 베타가 시작된다니 러시아를 제외하면 아마 마지막 알파 테스터 모집이 아닐까 예상됩니다.

최근 잇따른 유출로 여권 요구가 있을 수 있다는 것은 감안해두셔야 하지 않을까 합니다만...



This is the announcement you've all been waiting for! We are continuing recruitment for the World of Warships Closed Alpha Test. We’re looking for people dedicated enough to spend time participating in test sessions and write detailed feedback in good English.

If you meet the criteria below, feel free to post your interest in this topic. We will be looking at (in decreasing order of importance): 우대 조건
• WoT and WoWp alpha test veterans - 월탱/월플 알파 테스터

• experience in alpha testing other games - 타 게임에서의 알파 경험

• Test system specifications. - 세부 테스팅 조건(DxDiag를 제출할 것을 요구하고 있습니다)
• being a professional tester, or an IT specialist - 프로 테스터 or IT 전문가
• proactivity and decency - 자기주도성 및 타인에 대한 예의

What has NO effect on the application: 영향이 없는 것
• amount of battles in WoT and WoWp - 월탱/월플 전투 횟수
• win rate - 승률
• age - 나이(단, 만 15세 미만은 부모 동의가 필요한 걸로 알고 있습니다.)
• country - 국가
• city - 출신 지역

This criterion is there to help us mitigate the risk of leaks by finding people who are really interested in this project and dedicated enough to spend time posting on these forums.
Also, be aware that we reserve the right to add, remove or change these requirements in the future and to withhold access to the Closed Alpha Test.
Access to and participation in the Closed Alpha Test will also depend on you signing a legally binding Non-Disclosure Agreement with Wargaming America, accepting test rules and regulations and attendance during testing sessions. Details on this and other particulars will be provided to eligible applicants.

If there are any questions to this, please ask them in a separate thread. 


Any posts that are not applications will be removed from this thread.


In addition to your application, please also include a pastebin link your current DxDiag results.


If you previously applied before June 2nd 2014 and/or if you have not submitted a dxdiag file, please apply here in order to be considered.

​Applications submitted before June 2nd and previous incomplete applications will be disregarded.

See you on the bridge, Captains!