
의미만 대충했습니다


반말은...어....존칭넣을라니 어색해서 생략했어요

양해좀 ㅠㅠㅠ

Dont get your hopes up guys! This is basicly the same preview we had before launch of the game. They will probably take it out of RoS as well. 
GJ making us pay for something we should of already had with release of the game.
This iteration of the Mystic is quite a far cry from the original iteration of the Mystic and her functionality. Hopefully you'll enjoy the services she offers quite a bit more. :)
사설이라 생략

Do we get to save her from the spider queen?
Nope! You saved Karyna from Queen Araneae already, but you'll have the opportunity to save Myriam from another threat entirely in Reaper of Souls. :)
질: 인첸터는 아레네 여왕의 방에서 구하는건가요?
답: 아님

Ohh come on, I remember her from beta, I'm not giving you money for that
Her face may look familiar, but she and her services are quite a bit different than her early iteration. :)
질: 베타때도 봤는데?
답: 외관은 비슷한데 아님.

Not sure if the question has been asked yet, and I probably know the answer but i'm asking it anyway: Most if not all players have both the jeweler and the blacksmith at level 10, so does that mean that the mystic will start at level 10, or will we have to level her up as well?
You will have to level up she and her Artisan services as well. You can seven get a sneak peek at what her cart will look like with each upgrade near the tail-end of the blog. :)
질: 보석공과 대장장이가 레벨 10이라면, 인첸터도 10부터 시작하는거냐 아니면 다시 업해야하는것인가?
답: 레벨업 해야됩니다.

I have a question? If I choose 1 property to reroll, can I choose that same property to reroll the second time later?
Correct! After you lock in to re-roll one property, you can only re-roll that property's slot going forward.
다 아시는 하나의 옵만 인첸팅 가능하고, 다른옵은 잠긴다는 질의응답입니다.

why so colourful?
Because: Vecin (think gypsies). :)
조크같은데 모르겠네여..

Im still confused. Can we or can we not select the resulting property when we reroll one on an item? It seems like we can, but a simple yes or no would be much more helpful.
SilverOwsla is correct. When you choose to re-roll a property, you will be able to select your final choice from a list of random options (as seen here: https://bnetcmsus-a....82458927793.jpg ), but you won't be able to cherry-pick a result from all of the possibilities.
여러 옵션중 선택가능한것인지를 물어보는거같습니다. 질문자가 이해가 잘 안되서 다시 질문한거같은데..
답변중에 cherry-pick 이라는 단어의 의미를 모르겠네요. 최고를 선별하다 이런거같은데... 
아래의 부수설명을 읽어보면 아마도 당신이 원하는 최고의 옵션을 입맛대로 선택 못한다는거같습니다.

To put that another way:
- Let's say (as in the example above), you wanted to replace the +Strength stat with something else. So you lock in your selection knowing that you could get a variety of different replacement properties, including Increases Attack Speed,Sockets, Increases Damage Against Elites, Life per Hit, Reduces cooldown of all skills, Reduces all resource costs, % change to inflict bleed, and Reduced Level Requirement.
- After you've paid your gold and material cost, you will see a screen showing you what replacement properties you have the option of applying to your item. In the case above, you can choose to replace your +Strength with a socket, reduce cooldowns of all skills by 7%, OR you can choose to hang on to your +Strength.
스샷의 템에서 +힘 옵션 대신 여러 옵션이 바뀔 수 있고, 아니면 그대로 +힘 옵션을 선택할 수 있다는 내용입니다.

So there is an element of randomness to Enchanting because you can't cherry-pick a specific replacement property from the get-go, but if you're willing to re-enchant your item a few times, you're likely to see the property you want come up as a final replacement property that you can select and apply to your item.
이런 랜덤으로 나오는 옵션들 중 선택해야 하며, 원하는 옵 나올때까지 인첸팅 할 수 있다고합니다.

Is the mystic from caldeum? or are we going to find out coming ROS?
You'll have to find out more about her particular story in Reaper of Souls, as I don't want to spoil it here. :)
질: 인첸터는 칼데움출신이냐? 아니면 확장팩에서 찾아야하냐?
답: 확장팩 맵에서 찾아야한답니다. 스포일러는 안한다네요 ㅋㅋ

You know that we all want more of the lady in the house of curios, make it happen!
To the subject. I still would want to be able to transmog a 2-handed weapon into looking like a 1-handed. Transmogrifying a Skorn into 2 shortswords?
And while you are reading, please make the itemslots for set items in your inventory GREEN. Like it is on this page, why is it not like that ingame?
As for your weapons comment: you will only be able to Transmogrify weapons that share the same animation set, so you won't be able to Transmogrify a Skorn into two shortswords.
질: 2핸드 무기(스코른)을 쌍수로 바꿀 수 있는가? 그리고 스샷에는 세트가 인벤에서도 초록색으로 나오는데 왜 게임에서는 안그러는가?
답: 같은 모션을 갖는 무기끼리밖에 안된다. 

In Enchanting step #4, they mention that you can select your replacement property from the list on the right....
Then in Further Enchanting details, the first sentence mentions that the resulting property you receive during enchanting is random. How is it random if you get to select the desired property? Or are they just referring to the range on that property can be random and you may not like the result? (ie min roll on that property you selected)
To clarify!
"4.) Select your replacement property from the list of available choices. "
IE: This is the property I'm not fond of, and would like to replace with a random property.
"You can view the possible replacement properties to the right on the advanced Enchanting window."
The advanced Enchanting window allows you to see what possible properties might replace the property you are overwriting. :)
I hope that helps!
이거 저도 궁금했던건데, 인첸팅 창에 가능한 옵션들 있고 그 안에 범위 있잖아요, 그 중에서 또 랜덤으로 옵이 생성되는건지 궁금하다고 합니다.
근데 답변은....애매하네여 바꿀수 있다는데 뭔가 의미를 잘못 해석한거같기도 하고... 

Yes it does... thank you
So you can not directly pick what your new property will be, you can only select which one you want to replace... and you can see the list of new properties it may roll....
Lucky wiz got a socket in the example.... very nice!
Correct! You'll still have a choice to select your end result from a shorter (random) list, but you can't cherry pick from the full list. :)
아, 이거 읽어보니 확실히 알겠네요
리스트중 여러분이 선택하는게 아니라, 생성된 리스트중에 랜덤으로 옵이 박힌답니다....헐...완전도박...운좋게 리스트에 떠야되고, 또 운 좋게 그 옵션이 템에 박히고, 옵션도 상급이 나와야된다는소리네여....

If a rare item doesn't have the maximum numbers of affixes (6), then will we be able to add an affix to the rare instead of re-rolling an existing affix? Then the added affix would be the only one allowed to be rerolled in the future?
For example, a rare weapon with five great affixes, but no socket. Would we be able to add a random 6th affix to try to get a socket?
You can't add-on an additional property, but you're able to choose an existing property and re-roll it through Enchanting. :)
질: 5옵 레어에 6번째 옵 추가 가능함?
답: 안됨 ㅋ

except its not a change at all, it's content they cut from the original game.
The scope of the Mystic has changed pretty notably from her initial concept. Both enchanting and transmogrification are new for this iteration (the earlier version of the Mystic did have a service called enchanting, but it didn't function the same way). Just a friendly FYI.

She's Fat and Bad. REPLACE HER!
So, you want something "not fat" and "not bad." Right. We'll get right to work on that.
뚱뚱해서 싫대요, 바꾸고싶답니다
바꾼다네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

@Nubtro: You asked: "Are the legendary affixes that are unable to be rerolled the specific affixes that you believe are making an item unique?"

Correct! You cannot reroll the affixes that are special to that Legendary that make it "special." (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
전설템의 '특별한' 접사들은 인첸팅 안된답니다.

Why can't I enchant off-stats?
Core stats are definitely not the only enchants available from the Mystic. While I don't currently have a full list to share, you can see a few of the options from our recent blog. The stats in the fourth screenshot down are just a taste of what the Mystic can do.

There will be plenty of variety available for you to choose for your style of play. That's the intent, after all: to give you some more freedom and flexibility with the loot you acquire.

so can you roll more than one affix for one item? or is it reroll one affix per item only?
The latter. Think of each affix as a "slot." Only one slot can be enchanted on an item, ever. The possible properties for that slot don't change after enchanting though, so that pool will always be available for that slot.

I hope that makes sense. It's Friday and I think I'm out of wordsing for this week. u_u (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
한템에 2슬롯 안된답니다.. 접사 중복안된다네여

First off, I have two questions about details:
'Legacy items (items that drop before [the expansion/pre-expansion patch] goes live) will not unlock unique item appearance, but they can be Transmogrified. -Vaeflare' 
1) Just to clarify, does this mean even unidentified pre-2.0 items will not unlock the skins? 
2) After patch 2.0, will we unlock skins only through self-found identified legendaries/set items, or will we be able to acquire unidentified items through trade and then ID them ourselves to unlock the skins?
Thank you
We're still working out the details of Transmogrification and the full scope of the items it impacts.

For your first question, right now identified Legacy Legendary items will not unlock an appearance, but we're still debating what to do with unidentified Legacy Legendary items.

For your second question, we're also still discussing if we should put any restrictions on unlocking appearances for non-Legacy Legendaries (i.e. whether we'll require you to both loot and identify the item to unlock its appearance, or if you just need to identify it). So, we don't have firm answers to either of your questions just yet, but we'll be sure to let you know just as soon as we do. :)

Edited to clarify that I was discussing unidentified items specifically.
I've gone ahead an updated my original post to clarify that I was specifically discussing unidentified Legacy items. :)
아 길어 생략할래요 ㅠㅜ 댓글로 누군가 해주시겠죠...
대충 내용은 전설 패치 전/후 템이랑 루트2.0 전/후 아이템들의 외관 변형에 관한 거 같아요

What are the new materials needed, and how are they obtained?
Those details are still being worked out as well. Once they're more finalized, we'll let you know! :) (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
질: 인첸팅에 필요한 새로운 템들은?
답: 현재 작업중!

Hey all, I just saw the preview for the new mystic coming and had a question. What happened to the woman in Act I that you saved from the spider queen? I think she was meant to be the mystic originally, and I was expecting her to be the mystic for RoS. So another question I suppose would be why Blizz decided to go with a new Mystic character, and will there be any plans to incorporate the Act I woman into RoS?
Karyna (the woman you saved from Queen Araneae in Act 1), was never intended to be the Mystic. In fact, in early versions of Diablo III, Karyna was supposed to know Myriam and referenced her in her dialogue, but those references were removed when Myriam was removed from the game before Diablo III was released.

In terms of Karyna’s story: you won’t see it continued in Reaper of Souls, but you never know what the future might hold. :) (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
아까랑 같은질문 같네여. 질문은 거미한테 잡혔던 뚱뚱한 아줌마 어찌되냐! 인거 같습니다

i just want to know, can i enchant an item that has no magical properties too?
Posted by Godric
No only rares and higher.
Godric is correct: you will be able to Enchant items that are Rare quality and higher. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums
인첸팅은 매직 안된답니다. 레어이상만!

아 드디어 끝!