So Garrosh was yours, huh? From beginning to end?

Not quite from beginning to end.

Cataclysm seemed like he was going in a different direction for a while there ...

He was.

He was? Tell us about that -- why he had that shift.


So Stonetalon ...


You did Stonetalon?

I did Stonetalon.

I didn't stick to that path with Garrosh. I didn't -- not everyone was on board. Not everyone got the memo as it were, as we were designing -- and that was my fault. Because when you're doing, when you're trying -- because I was actually trying to bring Garrosh around, and Stonetalon was going to be the first of that. Cataclysm was pretty crazy time for us.

대격변 시절 정신이 없어서 실수로 그렇게 됐을 뿐.. 아프라샤비는 가로쉬를 구원하는 스토리로 만들고 싶었음. 하지만 그건 혼자만의 생각이었고 아프라샤비 혼자 돌발톱 산맥을 그런 스토리의 첫 단추로 만들어버렸지만 이미 가로쉬 스토리는 다른 길로 흘러가고 있던 것..