검떼라서 망정이지 다른 맵에선 살인전차일듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


+ 영상에 댓글인데 I had a very poorly coded holy priest bot in solo shuffle yesterday. Fun fact, the bot pulled 3:3 just like the 1,8k resto shaman.
So you could say there is literally no difference playing with bots or 1,8k people, not even kidding. It took the shaman 3 rounds and me explaining it to him why the priest is a bot in order to comprehend it. And I am not kidding, the bot was really poorly coded. That's how bad 1,8k people are. That's why nobody is playing. It's painful to play with low IQ people. In fact, I'd rather play with bots since they make more sense. << 이 사람이 진짜 개발자인지는 모르겠는데 뭐 아무튼 1800에서 반반치기하는 힐봇 만드는건 일도 아닌듯? 진짜 힐러 인구수 박살나면 힐봇 만드려나 점수대 올라가면 스크립트 조금 더 정교한 힐봇 나오는식으로 ㅋㅋㅋ