
공통 - 생명 마격힐"때만"쓸 수 있도록 변경, 대신 쿨타임 15초로 변경 및 쿨감삭제
수사 - 마귀트리가 강제된다는 피드백 인지했다. 환마 너프하고 그 파워를 다른쪽으로 밸런싱할것.
신사 - 특화 반향힐 6초에 걸쳐 들어가던것 4초에 걸쳐 들어가도록 버프. 대신에 반향힐량이랑 반향힐 특성 너프


Power Word: Life now costs 2.5% mana (was 0.5%).
Power Word: Life cooldown decreased to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds), but its cooldown is no longer decreased when cast on targets below 35% health.
Power Word: Life is now only usable on targets below 35% health.
Power Word: Life’s healing increased by 500% and no longer increases its healing on targets below 35% health.
Developers’ note: We heard feedback that Shadow Covenant and the talent tree in general would be more flexible and interesting if Shadowfiend were a more viable option, so Shadow Covenant now grants a higher damage increase with Shadowfiend. We’ve also tied in the duration with the duration of Shadowfiend or Mindbender to make using Inescapable Torment more enjoyable. Finally, we’ve reduced the overall value of Shadow Covenant (particularly with Mindbender) and distributed some of the power into Penance, to nudge Discipline a bit closer towards consistent damage instead of heavy burst windows.
Ultimate Penitence now takes into account your primary target and will prioritize healing bolts if an ally is selected, or damaging bolts if an enemy is selected. Damage and healing increased by 25%, and an initial tick has been added to the start of the channel.
Embrace Shadow has been removed. Twilight Corruption remains in its location, and continues to increase Shadow Covenant’s effectiveness by an additional 10%.
Shadow Covenant duration now matches the duration of Mindbender at 12 seconds (was 7 seconds with Mindbender).
Shadow Covenant now grants 10% Shadow damage and healing increase with Mindbender, or 25% with Shadowfiend (was 25% with either one).
Shadow Covenant’s visuals have been improved.
Penance damage and healing increased by 15%.
Mindbender and Void Summoner have swapped locations in the talent tree.
Void Summoner reduces the cooldown of Shadowfiend by 4 seconds or Mindbender by 2 seconds (was 2 seconds for both).
Fixed an issue causing Mindbender to sometimes return to your side immediately upon being summoned.
Expiation increases Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death damage by 15/30% (was 10/20%).
Weal and Woe increases Smite’s damage by 20% per stack (was 12%) and Power Word: Shield by 10% per stack (was 5%).
Developers’ note: With the Flash Heal and Heal buffs, Trail of Light was overperforming, so we’re reducing its value to match its previous power level. We’re also increasing the value of Pontifex since it was an unpopular talent. Finally, we’re making Echo of Light’s period faster so that it is more responsive to damage.
Prayer of Mending healing decreased by 5%.
Prismatic Echoes now increases the healing of Echo of Light by 4/8% (was 6/12%).
Echo of Light healing decreased by 15%.
Divine Image’s Dazzling Light healing decreased by 35%.
Divine Image’s Blessed Light healing decreased by 20%.
Trail of Light replicates Heal or Flash Heal for 13/25% value (was 18/35%).
Pontifex increases healing done by Holy Words by 20%, stacking 2 times (was 10%).
Echo of Light heals every 2 seconds and lasts 4 seconds (was heals every 3 seconds and lasts 6 seconds).

개인적인 의견
0. 절 대 생 명 해
1. 이 고집쟁이놈들 또 이상한 고집에 빠져서 규율 롤백 절대 안해줄란갑네 ㅡㅡ
2. 환마랑 공허소환사 위치 바뀌고, 기본 마귀+공허소환사도 상당히 좋아보여서, 환마가 정말로 선택의 영역으로 바뀐건 좋아보임. 아마 딜량과 유지력이 중요한 쐐기에서는 환마를 찍고, 순간폭힐이 중요한 레이드에선 환마를 안찍을듯?
3. 신사 변경점이 애매해보임. 반향힐 빨리 들어가는건 무조건 좋은 패치이지만, 반향힐량 15% 너프 및 반향힐 증가특성 너프 폭이 꽤 커서..
신사의 반향힐은 신화레이드에서 힐 버퍼(버프주는사람 X, 물류학에서 재고의 개념)를 담당해서 힐이 여유있을때는 거의 다 오버힐로 들어가지만, 힐이 부족할 때는 압도적인 유효힐량을 보여주는 위기에 강한 힐이어서 힐미터기에 보이는 힐량보다 그 가치가 훨씬 높음.
이번 변경점으로 인해 힐 미터기상 반향힐량은 높아질것임. 힐량 자체는 줄었지만 다른 힐러나 도트힐이 채울 예정이었던 힐파이를 선점하는데 강해졌으니. 그러나 눈에 보이는 힐로그와는 달리 이전의 위기에 강한 국밥같은 반향힐의 안정감은 낮아질것이라 생각