Upcoming Buffs for Week of Dec 19th

Psychic link is now 25% (from 15%).
Potentially more to come but this is pretty nice.

2T: ~4-5%
3T Council: ~6-9%
DungeonRoute Overall: ~2-7%
6T 90s: ~14%
8T 90s: ~16%
~6% for keys from logs based on @Sola's recent key runs 


그리고 덤

Recently we have made a few optimizations to dungeon builds where dropping Idol of Idol of Y'Shaarj is roughly a 1% gain in overall and 2% gain in single target on average.

Simply put by dropping this talent we can path through Insidious Ire to get to Idol of C'Thun and still have Idol of N'Zoth and Inescapable Torment. Aside from min/maxing single target (with the ST + Crash build), Idol of Y'Shaarj is not a default talent in keys anymore.

1줄요약 : 이샤라즈 빼는 빌드로 전체딜 1%, 단일 2%정도 더 이득보게 쐐기빌드 최적화함.
이샤라즈를 빼면 퍼지는분노+크툰 찍을수있고 여전히 느조스도 찍을수 있음