나 도적 처음하는데 와우헤드보니까

Use  Thistle Tea during the last 6 seconds of  Kingsbane for the mastery buff. This has to be Less than 6 seconds! 6.5 seconds for example will miss the final tick of  Kingsbane

이게 킹스베인 끋나기 6초전에 엉겅퀴차 마시라는거야?

Vanish during the last 3 seconds of  Kingsbane to utilize  Master Assassin if you have it talented, or to refresh  Improved Garrote otherwise. This has to be Less than 3 seconds! 3.2 seconds for example will miss the final tick of  Kingsbane

이건 킹스베인 끝나기 3초전에 소멸 목줄 하라는거야?

번역기 돌려보긴했는데 이렇게 하는 이유도 알고싶엉