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90초 기준이라고 하네요.
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Gressil + Iblis = 1680.74 dps
Gressil + The Hungering Cold = 1679.80 dps
Gressil + TF = 1670.47 dps
Gressil + Kingsfall = 1661.59 dps
Gressil + R14 OH = 1661.57 dps
Gressil + Widow’s Remorse = 1657.32 dps
Gressil + Claw of the Frost Wyrm = 1655.11 dps
Gressil + CTS = 1646.14 dps
Gressil + Ravencrest’s Legacy = 1644.82 dps
Gressil + Death’s Sting = 1642.88 dps
Gressil + AQR = 1642.46 dps
Gressil + Harbinger of Doom = 1642.33 dps
Gressil + Brutality Blade = 1639.67 dps
Gressil + Warblade of the Hakkari = 1636.61 dps
Gressil + The Castigator = 1634.68 dps
Gressil + Maexxna’s Fang = 1633.92 dps
Gressil + Maladath = 1632.31 dps
Gressil + Pugio = 1632.06 dps

AQR + Iblis = 1626.78 dps
AQR + The Hungering Cold = 1626.29 dps
AQR + TF = 1617.13 dps
AQR + Gressil = 1611.99 dps
AQR + R14 OH = 1607.96 dps
AQR + Kingsfall = 1607.76 dps
AQR + Widow’s Remorse = 1603.76 dps
AQR + Claw of the Frost Wyrm = 1601.62 dps
AQR + CTS = 1592.85 dps
AQR + Ravencrest’s Legacy = 1591.54 dps
AQR + Death’s Sting = 1590.13 dps
AQR + AQR = 1588.95 dps
AQR + Harbinger of Doom = 1588.55 dps

CTS + Iblis = 1620.05 dps
CTS + The Hungering Cold = 1619.46 dps
CTS + TF = 1610.72 dps
CTS + Gressil = 1605.81 dps
CTS + Kingsfall = 1602.47 dps
CTS + R14 OH = 1601.40 dps
CTS + Widow’s Remorse = 1597.11 dps
CTS + Claw of the Frost Wyrm = 1596.35 dps
CTS + Ravencrest’s Legacy = 1585.20 dps
CTS + Death’s Sting = 1584.89 dps
CTS + Harbinger of Doom = 1583.32 dps
CTS + AQR = 1582.89 dps

TF + Iblis = 1619.58 dps
TF + The Hungering Cold = 1619.18 dps
TF + Gressil = 1607.42 dps
TF + Kingsfall = 1606.93 dps
TF + R14 OH = 1601.20 dps
TF + Claw of the Frost Wyrm = 1601.12 dps
TF + Widow’s Remorse = 1597.23 dps
TF + Death’s Sting = 1589.59 dps
TF + CTS = 1588.01 dps
TF + Harbinger of Doom = 1587.99 dps
TF + Ravencrest’s Legacy = 1585.92 dps
TF + AQR = 1584.26 dps
TF + Maexxna’s Fang = 1580.87 dps