Greetings Captains!

Ranked Battles Season 4 runs from June 3rd 0500 UTC to July 18th 0500 UTC

Ranked Battles Season 4 has a bunch of changes, here's a breakdown:
22 Ranks in Season 4
We are introducing the Super League - Once you hit Rank 1, you can keep on playing Ranked Battles until the end of the Season!
Don't worry if you're on the losing team in a Ranked Battle, if you're first in Experience Earned, you keep your star!
Reach Rank 15 or higher, you'll get a special Flag that commemerates the Battle of Midway!
In Ranks 22-20, you can't lose any earned Stars!
Rewards were re-designed for reaching certain Ranks, you'll now get 1000 Doubloons for reaching Rank 2 and 2500 Doubloons for reaching Rank 1!
Flags awarded during Ranked Battles Season 4 will have a new feature: -5%, -10%, -20% to ship repair cost (and you can set them on each ship in every type of battle). They are awarded for reaching Rank 15, 10 and 5 accordingly and will be removed once the season is over.
For those of you who are Ranked Battles veterans: Those of you who have both the Jolly Roger and Jolly Roger II Flags, and reach Rank 1 in Season 4, will get a unique Premium Ship, the USS Flint! The Jolly Roger II flag will be exchanged for the USS Flint for players who hit Rank 1. There will be another opportunity to earn the Jolly Roger II Flag in Season 5. and in Season 6, another Unique Premium Ship will be available! (Please note the exchange of the Flag for the Premium Ship will take place some time after the Season ends.)

랭크는 6월 3일부터 7월18일까지

4시즌은 22랭크로 구성

1랭크 달성시에도 랭겜을 계속 뛸 수 있음
팀 내 최고 경험치 달성시 졌을 경우에도 별을 잃지 않음
15랭 달성시 미드웨이 깃발 획득
20랭크까지는 져도 별을 잃지 않음
2랭크 달성에 1000더블룬, 1랭크에는 2500더블룬 획득
15, 10, 5 랭크에서 시즌내에서만 사용가능한 특별한 깃발 획득 가능 각각 5% 10% 20% 의 수리비 감소 효과
졸리 로저, 졸리로저2 해적기를 보유하고 시즌4 에서 랭크1 을 달성시 플미쉽인 USS Flint 획득 (시즌 종료 후)
역주: 졸리로저2와 플린트가 교환이 된다는거로 봐서는 해적기가 있는 상황에서 이번 시즌 1랭 달성시 졸리로저2 깃발이 제공되는듯

다음 시즌에는 다른 골쉽 획득이 가능할것

아래는 유럽섭 내용인데 전 서버에 적용될듯
16랭까지는 5-6티어
15랭부터는 6-7티어
1랭 수퍼리그 10티어

Brackets and ranks:

  • Three tier brackets, 4 leagues:
    • Rank 22-16, tier  5-6
    • Rank 15-11, tier 6-7
    • Rank 10-6, tier 6-7
    • Rank 5-1, tier 6-7
    • Rank 1 - Tier 10 super league
      • The super league will enable rank 1 players to keep playing for the remainder of the season for additional rewards