* 출처 : https://www.wowhead.com/blue-tracker/topic/us/913592

직업별 바뀐것만 번역했습니다. 

서버리셋후 적용된답니다.


야수 사냥꾼 
- 야수의 회전베기가 펫 대상 데미지의 90%를 입힙니다(기존 75%)

사격 사냥꾼 
조준사격 데미지가 5%증가. 조준사격과 속사로 튕기는 교묘한사격 파편은 이제 55%데미지를 줌(기존 50%)

풍운 수도사 
회전학다리차기 버프 중첩당 추가 데미지가 15%로 증가(기존 10%)하고 15초동안 스킬쓴게아니라 20초동안 쓴 스킬에 영향받음. 
회전학다리차기가 특화  뎀증 효과를 못받는 이슈 수정
분노의주먹 주변대상의 데미지가 70%를 줌(기존 50%)

악마 흑마법사 
데미지 3%증가

던전 및 레이드

- 대충 나스리아 성체 너프소식

- Fractured Debris missile travel time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
- The impact locations of Fractured Debris should now be more visible on Mythic difficulty.
- Destructive Stomp radius decreased to 16 yards (was 20 yards) on all difficulties.
- Chain Link allowable range increased to 14 yards (was 12 yards) on all difficulties.

Stone Legion Generals
- Volatile Stone Shell’s absorb channel increased to 5 seconds (was 4 seconds).
- Wicked Blast damage decreased by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
- Wicked Lacerations damage decreased about 10% on Mythic difficulty.
- Anima Orb duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds) on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
- Volatile Anima Infusion and Volatile Anima Infection duration increased to 20 seconds (was 16 seconds).
- Volatile Anima Detonation radius decreased to 40 yards (was 45 yards).
- Soultaint Effigy now stacks to 80% healing reduction (was 100%).
- Stonegale Effigy movement force decreased by 20%.

신화 쐐기돌 던전

- 정신지배로 낙사해서 죽인 몹은 더이상 몹 퍼센트 주지않음. 

Sanguine Depths
- Fixed an issue with a Famished Tick getting stuck underground in Kryxis the Voracious’s room.