스태틱의 레드 포스트입니다. 번역이 잘못된점 지적바래요.

최근 여러 패치에서 여러 챔피언을 리메이크했다. 그래서 그런 챔피언들이 좋은 방향으로 되길 바랬고 그래야 된다고 생각한다. 우리가 생각하는 제일 중요한 3개의 챔피언 카사딘 그라가스 렝가의 리워크에 대해서 현재 패치 방향을 말하겠다.
카사딘 : 우리는 카사딘이 좀더 적에게 가까이 붙어서 근접 공격을 할 기회를 얻길 바란다. 카사딘의 마법 데미지보다는 더 독특한 그의 강점에 주목하고 있다.
그라가스 : 우리는 그라가스의 기동성을 제한하는 여러 요인을 제거하여 그라가스가 싸움에서 좀더 탱커역할을 잘 수행하게 하려고 한다.
렝가 : 우리는 렝가를 처음 리메이크한다고 할때의 여러 관심있는 거리를 보고 있다. 초반 렝가가 정글/탑에서 좀더 잘 싸우도록 할것이다.

탑 라인과 '레넥톤 벽'
탑 라인에서 현재 챔피언 다양성이 없다.특히 프로레벨에서 그러는데,우리는  "라인의 깡패들"을 라인에서 정리하는것이 매우 오래 걸릴거라고 생각한다.
레넥톤 벽을 허무는 한가지 방법은 그냥 레넥톤을 존나게 너프하면 그만이지만,그러면 새로운 챔피언이 부상해서 새로운 벽을 만들것이기 때문에 별로 하고싶진 않다. 우리는 레넥톤은 탑라인의 독특하고 인상적인 챔피언중 하나라고보고있고 그를 너프하는 대신 새로운 버프를 준비하고 있다. (럼블같은거)

룰루 : 미드 룰루를 너프함으로서 서폿 룰루가 핵철퇴를 맞고 고인이 되는걸 바라지 않는다.이번 패치도 미드 룰루를 너프하려는것이었다. 우리는 현재 룰루에 대해 많은 분석을 하고 있다. 이건 단지 앞으로의 밸런스조정을 위해 데이터를 모으고 피드백을 받으려는 것이다.

정글 챔피언 다양성 부족 : 현재 게임에서 다른 여러 고인 정글러(마오카이나 노틸러스같은)가 왜 가치가 없는지 분석하고 있다.우리는 그걸 정령석 계열 아이템과 그 딜링의 효율성에 대해 생각하고 있다.
야생의 섬광의 강력함에 대해 : 현재 이 아이템의 힘에 대해 감시중이다. 그리고 지금 우리의 생각은 좀 쎄다! 라는것이다. 아마도 4.6 패치때 약간의 조정이 있을 것이다.

스카너 버프는 언제해줌? : 4.6은 너무 이름. 저번에 버프한번 해줬는데. 4.7 쯤에나 가능할듯.

-쓰고나니깐 뭐 다 나온말이네요...

[ 4.6 ] Patch Forecast

Here's Statikk with the first in a new series of player communications - a Patch Forecast for 4.6!
"Hey guys, 
This is the first of hopefully many Patch Forecasts where we can share our perspectives on what issues we see affecting the game as well as those we're actively looking to address for the next patch. 
This should give you guys more context about the changes you guys regularly see hit the PBE between patch releases. Ultimately, we want to start conversations earlier on so that 1) there's fewer surprises and 2) there's time for us to chat with you guys, get your feedback, and continue to iterate on our goals and changes. 
So without further ado, here's some of the primary projects we're looking at for the next patch: 
1) Reworks Follow-up 
We released several reworks in the last couple of patches, so this patch we're focusing on ensuring they're all in a good state. We think we undershot a bit on the power level of all 3 of the recent large reworks to Kassadin, Gragas, and Rengar, so here's a sneak peak at the current directions of the changes: 
Kassadin: We're looking to give Kassadin more favorable opportunities to close into melee with his targets and make sure he is rewarded correctly when he successfully does so. We also want to continue to focus on amplifying Kassadin's unique strengths against magic damage. 
Gragas: We're looking to free up some of the constraints we put on Gragas' mobility so he can more readily initiate and better function as a tank in fights. 
Rengar: We're looking at cleaning up some of the responsiveness issues we may have introduced with the rework and want to make sure Rengar can better compete during the early game in Top Lane and in the Jungle. 
2) Top Lane and the "Renekton Bar" 
As with any lane, we are definitely aware and concerned that there may not be enough champion diversity in the Top Lane, especially at the competitive level. This is largely due to what we believe are "lane bullies" who essentially represent the relative early game power level needed to enter and compete in the lane. Currently, that bar is the "Renekton Bar." 
One way to reduce the severity of the "Renekton Bar" would be simply to tone down Renekton's power a notch. In this case, directly lowering the bar would potentially create an even more unhealthy situation where a different champion rises to the top and acts as the new "bar." We actually see Renekton as one of the more interesting top lane champions in the game, and so instead of nerfing here, we're looking to buff. 
We're in the process of looking at champions that we think provide interesting and healthy gameplay in the top lane, and finding ways to nudge them up to be able to better compete in the current Top Lane environment. This doesn't mean these guys should just now outright beat champions like Renekton, but it hopefully means they have a better chance of going toe-to-toe with him or maybe even just surviving the lane against him and then providing some unique strengths to their team later on. 
As a note, since we can't address every single top laner we'd like in one patch, this will be an ongoing project as we continue to bring more and more champions into the fold. 
Remember, these are all currently in iteration and may change at any point before we actually release the patch. 
In addition, I'd like to give you guys some insight into a couple of hot topics we're currently analyzing to see if we need to make any adjustments:
1) Lulu 
We think we dropped the ball a bit here by failing to make sure we kept Bot Lane Support Lulu fully intact when we made adjustments to her Mid Lane harrass patterns last patch. We're currently in a heavy analysis phase to gauge where her power level is at as a Bot Lane Support.
We also want to continue to monitor her presence in Mid Lane and see if she is still presenting a large diversity issue there even after our changes. 
Once again, this simply means we need more time here to gather data and feedback before deciding if and how to move forward. 
2) Jungle Items 
There are actually 2 potential issues here we have been discussing a ton internally: 
1. The Lack of Class Diversity in the Jungle 
We are currently investigating why other classes of Junglers such as Jungle Tanks like Maokai and Nautilus are not valued in the current game. We feel it largely has to do with the way Spirit Stone and its upgrades scale their effectiveness based purely on the amount of damage dealt. 
We think there's some complex work to be done here in order to open the jungle back up to more classes of champions, so we're doing a deep dive at the moment to make sure we have a solid direction before moving forward. 
2. Is Feral Flare too strong? 
We are currently monitoring the power level of Feral Flare after its recent release, as our current thinking is that it may be a bit over-tuned. 
We prefer to let it settle a bit on the Live servers before making any changes, but it's possible some adjustments to Feral Flare may make it into 4.6."

When asked where Skarner falls into all this, Statikk replied:
"4.6 is actually a really fast cycle compared to recent patch releases. I believe the Skarner changes are currently planned for 4.7."