v1.17.1.0 #03 (18-07-2022):
- updated Tanks Top Speed over damage panel
- updated contour icons: Man1aq
- updated Sounds instead of crew voices
- updated Gnomefather's Historical Realism Gun Sounds and Engines (Zorgane)
- updated Little Helper Collection
- updated Vehicle parameters on single list
- fixed contour icons: Golkosh [there was wrong color on TL-7]
- added XVM Carousel Stats by Very
- added paramsdictproxyfix (by CHAMPi):
⦁    This small fix is for the KeyError that happen after mods modified game methods that are changing the _ParamsDictProxy. This error will crash the game client.
⦁    The reason for this are some missing cache (cachedParams) entries. Every mod that modifies the vehicle parameter list (on the right side in the garage) can cause this problem.
⦁    The cause of the actual issue needs to be investigated in more detail. This fix is only a workaround to avoid crashing of the game client without the need of updating all these mods.
⦁    This fix will be automatically installed with mods that was found affected by this bug, which is for the moment: session stats Yasenkrasen/TimeSpent, Vehicle Exp Extended, Vehicle parameters on single list, Little Helper Collection, Annoying Features Remover, Limpid Stickers