1. 폭풍인도자는 10랩에 배움
2. (새특성) 폭풍의 분노: 폭풍인도자와 질풍이 특화를 두배로 받음. 원소데미지는 안오름.
3. 소용돌이치는 무기 특성 통합 
Improved는 1포인트에서 2포인트가 되었고, Focused가 Raging에 통합됨
4. 4~8번 열의 오른쪽 부분 위치 조절
5. 채찍 화염이 특성 오른쪽 부분에 추가됨
6. 우두머리 늑대가 낙뢰 연번 둘 다 반응함
7. 서리술사의 유산은 소돌무기 10스택을 소모 할 때 마다 폭풍의 일격을 리셋하고 물리데미지 5/20% 증가
8. 야수 정령은 해당 속성 데미지를 15% 증가시킴. 특성 안찍으면 물리로 취급하며, 기존의 불늑대 용채추뎀 얼음늑대 냉기추뎀은 삭제

Enhancement Shaman,
Some changes are coming to a build you will receive next week, and we wanted to discuss that here.
  • Stormbringer is now just something you know starting at level 10 as an Enhancement Shaman alongside your Mastery.
  • New 1-point talent in Stormbringer’s Spot: Storm’s Wrath. Increases the mastery bonus chance for Stormbringer and Windfury to activate by 100%. This is a multiplier, not additive.
    • Note, this only increases the bonus proc chance from Mastery, which is 0.64% without any gear, and does not affect the elemental damage bonus from Mastery.
  • Improved Maelstrom Weapon is now a 2 rank node, up from 1, for the same total benefit.
  • Focused Maelstrom has been removed.
  • Raging Maelstrom now increases the damage bonus to Maelstrom Weapon by an additional 5% in addition to increasing maximum stacks by 5.
  • A fair number of talents in rows 4-8 on the right side of the tree have shifted around in position.
  • Lashing Flames has added as a talent on the right side of the tree.
  • Alpha Wolf now procs from either Crash Lightning or Chain Lightning, rather than just Chain Lightning.
  • Legacy of the Frost Witch has had its design adjusted a bit and is still 2 ranks: Every 10 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon consumed resets the cooldown of Stormstrike and increases the damage of your physical abilities by 5%/20% for 5 sec.
  • Feral Spirits, and the Elemental Spirits talent have been adjusted:
    • Each Feral Spirit type now grants you +15% damage to the related element. Normal Feral Spirits count as Physical.
    • The extra frost damage from the frosty feral spirits has been removed, but frosty feral spirits now increase your frost damage by 15%.
    • The extra Lava Lash damage from fire feral spirits has been removed.
Thank you for the continued feedback and testing.