Alliance Racials
Humans lose the Mace/Sword racials. The Human Spirit becomes +X to two secondary stats of your choice. (Source)
인간종특에 둔기, 도검 숙련 삭제, 정신력 증가 특성이 선택한 두가지의 
2차스탯을 올려줌[다른종족이 1% 오른다면 0.5+ 0.5 오르는식으로]

Change to Human Spirit seems really cool. Can you talk about the interface for choosing which secondary stats it'll give you?
Still designing it. Probably a flyout button of some sort (like Rogue Poisons, Mage Portals, etc) (Source)
오 인간종특 변경 쩐다 2차스탯 선택은 어떻게함? -> 법사 포탈이나, 도적 독바르기같은 인터페이스 개발중

Draenei's Heroic Presence is now +X to your primary stat. Gift of the Naaru heals for the same amount but over 5sec. (Source)
드레나이 적중이 사라지고 x만큼의 주스탯을 올려줌, 나루의선물이 기존에 15초간 채우던 힐량을 5초만에 채움 

Night Elves' Quickness also increases movement speed by 2% passively. They also got a new passive which is quite unique... (Remember, no more haste breakpoints!) Touch of Elune, a new passive which grants 1% Haste at night, 1% Crit during the day. (Source)
Shadowmeld is unchanged. (Source)
나이트엘프 민첩성이 회피율 2%와 함께 이속도 2% 올려줌, 새로운 패시브가 생김 밤에는 가속1% 낮에는 치명타1%증가

Shadowmeld is unchanged. (Source)
그숨은 변화 없음

Dwarves lost Crack Shot and Mae Specialization. Gained Might of the Mountain, a passive which adds 2% Crit Damage and Healing. Also a change to Stoneform: Also removes Magic/Curse. HOWEVER, it still cannot be used while CC'd. (It is still NOT a CC-break) (Source)
드워프 총기전문화 삭제, 치명 데미지,힐 2%증가 패시브, 석화가 기존효과에 마법, 저주도 해제함(매즈중에는 불가)

Gnomes' Escape Artist dropped to a 1min CD (from 1.5min), and Shortblade Specialization became Nimble Fingers, 1% Haste. Also a tweak to Expansive Mind. Was +5% max Mana. Now +5% Max Mana, Energy, Rage, or Runic Power. (Source)
노움 탈명쿨이 1분으로감소, 단검숙련 삭제, 가속 1%증가, 마나 5%증가 -> 마나&기력&룬마력&분노 5%증가

Darkflight is staying unchanged. (Source)
(늑인)암흑질주는 아무 변경 없음

Horde Racials

Undead are seeing relatively few changes. Tweaks to the scaling rate of Touch of the Grave, and WotF to 3min CD (up from 2). (Source)
포세이큰의 의지 3분으로 변화(2분에서 증가), 저승의손길 수치 조정

Blood Elves gain Arcane Acuity, a 1% crit passive. Arcane Torrent now restores 20RunicPower, or 1HoPo, or 3% Mana. (Source)
블엘 1% 치명타 패시브, 비격은 20의 룬마력, 신성한 힘1, 3%의 마나 회복

Orcs were one of the outliers we brought down. Lost the Axe Specialization, and Hardiness is 10% Stun reduction (down from 15%). (Source)
Blood Fury is unchanged. Every Man For Himself, we're still evaluating. Itemization changes may mean no nerf needed. (Source)
오크 강인함 15%에서 10%로 너프, 도끼숙련 삭제

Tauren's Endurance becomes +X Stamina. Brawn is a new passive which increases Crit Damage/Healing by 2%. (Source)
타우렌 인내력이 피통 5% 증가에서 체력+x로 변경, 새로운 패시브, 치명타 데미지&힐량 2%증가

Can you tell us what exactly will be changing with the Troll racial Berserking?
Reduced to 15% Haste (down from 20%). (Source)
트롤 광폭화는 어떻게됨 ? -> 20%에서 15%로 너프 예정

Will there be any changes to Worgen and Goblin racials?
Not much. They were about at baseline. Time is Money becomes real 1% Haste, not just attack speed / cast speed. Subtle diff. (Source)
고블린, 늑인 변경점은 별거없나? -> 
특별한 변경점은 없을것, 시간은 금 패시브가 기존에 공격속도& 캐스팅속도 1% 증가에서 가속1%로 변경될 것