
Blizzard has pushed a hotfix to change the Icecrown rares to spawn every 10 minutes instead of 20 minutes. With this change, a full rare rotation now takes 3 hours and 20 minutes, down from 6 hours and 40 minutes.

This change has also skipped the rare rotation. As of 12:20 pm Pacific, Noth the Plaguebringer is spawning for NA realms, while The Black Knight is spawning for EU realms.

We will be updating our Today in WoW to support this change in a few minutes.

현재 브론잠을 시작으로 4~5시간씩 땡겨진 타이밍에 은테들이 젠되고 있습니다.

리젠 시간도 10분으로 줄어든 것으로 확인됩니다.