Post-BlizzCon Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas
Today WatcherDev answered questions about Patch 7.1.5 and Patch 7.2. The next Q&A will be coming in the first few weeks of December. 

You can watch Part 1 and Part 2 of the Q&A on Twitch.

Upcoming Content
  • Patch 7.1.5 is coming to the PTR soon, hopefully early next week.
  • On Tuesday the item level of Trial of Valor gear will be increased by 5 item levels.
  • This Tuesday all legendary items will have their item level increased by 15, so they will all be item level 910.
-7.1.5 PTR은 조만간 열릴것임. 아마도 다음 주 초가 되지 않을까?

- 화요일에 용맹의 시험 장비 레벨 5 상승

- 이번 화요일에 모든 전설 장비들의 레벨이 15 상승할 것임. 그래서 전설 장비들의 레벨은 910이 됨.

Patch 7.3
  • Argus is part of Patch 7.3.
  • Argus will not be a leveling experience, it isn't an expansion.
  • Patch 7.3 will take us to Argus. Outdoor zone, quests, raid.
  • It will be the capstone of Legion story. We take the fight to them to get more than just a temporary peace.
-아르거스는 7.3 패치의 한 부분.

-아르거스는 레벨업 하는 컨텐츠가 아님. 즉 새 확장팩이 아님.

-7.3에서 아르거스를 가서 야외, 퀘스트, 레이드를 진행할 것임.

-군단 스토리의 정점을 찍을거고, 일시적 평화 그 이상의 것을 추구하기 위해 싸움.

Patch 7.2 and Nighthold
  • Nighthold is targeted to open in mid to late January.
  • Patch 7.2 and the Tomb of Sargeras will come later.
  • When Patch 7.2 comes out players will still be progressing through Nighthold, but probably ready for all of the other new outdoor content.
  • Tomb of Sargeras will not open when Patch 7.2 goes live. Part of the story leads you to the Tomb of Sargeras.
  • Hellfire Citadel was released too soon.
-밤요는 1월 중순-1월 말 오픈 예정.

-7.2와 살게무덤은 그 이후.

-7.2 패치가 나올 때 쯤에도 유저들은 여전히 밤요 레이드를 진행하고 있을 테지만, 새로운 야외 컨텐츠들을 경험할 준비는 되어있을 것임.

-7.2 패치가 되자마자 살게무덤이 열리진 않을 것임. 스토리의 일부가 살게라스의 무덤으로 여러분을 이끌것임.

-지옥불 성채는 너무 빨리 공개되었음.

  • The team is happy with how Karazhan has worked out so far. A blend of nostalgia and some very cool new stuff.
  • There were around 300,000 premade group finder groups for Karazhan globally last week.
  • The team looks at how long it takes from releasing to running back to your corpse, with 90 seconds at the high end being okay.

-카라잔에 대해선 제작팀이 굉장히 만족하고있음. 과거의 향수와 멋진 새 컨텐츠가 굉장히 조화로움

-30만 파티가 지난주에 카라잔을 찾음.

-죽은 후 시체까지 가는 시간을 봤는데 최대 90초 정도 걸렸고 이정도면 괜찮다고 생각함.

Trial of Valor
  • The team is happy with Trial of Valor overall. They see it as bosses 8, 9, and 10 of this tier, mostly for people who are done with Emerald Nightmare.
  • There have been some things that needed to be hotfixed in Trial of Valor, but the team is mostly happy with the difficulty.
  • The gear rewarded from Trial of Valor is probably not as strong as it should have been.
-용맹의 시험에 대해 제작진은 만족스러움. 8-10네임드라고 생각하고, 에메랄드 악몽을 클리어 한 사람들을 위한 컨텐츠로 보고 있음.

-일부 문제들은 핫픽스 되어야 하지만 난이도에 대해선 만족하고 있음.

-용맹의 시험에서 주는 장비들은 더 좋게 나왔어야 했음.

Secondary Stats
  • The team is looking at classes and specs with extreme secondary stat discrepancies. Secondary stats beating primary stats, such as for Fire Mage, is a problem.
  • The team would rather try to solve the ring and neck stat problem rather than just going back to primary stats on them. Secondary stats on them can make them more meaningful than they used to be.
  • Some specs aren't fun to play with low crit or haste, so secondary stats started higher than they have in the past without reaching very high levels at the end of the expansion. This worked on most gear, but on jewelry it did not. In Patch 7.1.5 the rate at which secondary stats grow on jewelry will be increased.
  • The power of secondary stats may be brought down a bit.
  • A 15 item level upgrade should always be worth equipping. Less than that item level should usually win, but not always.
  • Hit and Expertise made reforging pretty awful. They are gone now, which helps, but reforging is still not the best.
  • You can look at an item, see that you would want it if you could reforge it, and think that would solve it. It isn't an intuitive decision, you needed to do a lot of math to ensure it was really an upgrade. It would allow some items to become upgrades, but that doesn't solve the underlying problem.
-2차스탯 효율차이가 지나치게 큰 직업들을 보고 있음. 2차스탯이 1차스탯보다 좋은 직업들, 예를들자면 화법은 문제로 인식하고 있음.

-반지/목걸이 문제에 대한 해결책으로 1차스탯의 부활은 고려중이지 않음. 다른 방식으로 해결을 하려고 노력중이고, 반지와 목의 2차스탯을 전보다 더 가치있게 만들기 위해 노력중.

- 몇몇 전문화는 치명타나 가속이 낮으면 재미를 못보기 때문에 장비의 2차스탯을 과거에 비해 더 높게 시작했음. (이번 확장팩에선 전보다 템들의 2차스탯이 더 높은 편이었음) 대부분의 장비는 그랬으나, jewelry(아마 목/반지로 보임)에서는 적용 되지 않았음. 7.1.5에서는 목/반지의 2차스탯 상승률이 증가할 것임. (반지/목의 레벨당 2차스탯 상승이 원래 처참하긴 했음) 

Patch 7.1.5 Class Changes
  • "Reworking" a class is more expansion level changes. The team is focusing on talent choices, restoring utility, secondary stat weights, and small mechanic changes.
  • There is still ongoing work for Patch 7.1.5, so all of the changes won't be in the initial PTR build. This is an ongoing project that the team will work on over the entire expansion.
  • Class changes fit well in the 7.X.5 patches planned, so expect to see more of them in the future.
-직업을 재설계 하는 것은 더 확장된 수준의 변경임. 특성 선택과 뺏어간 유틸리티의 부활 돌아와줘 내 덫, 2차스탯 가중치 그리고 소소한 메카닉 변경에 관심을 두고 있음.

- 여전히 7.1.5 패치 작업이 진행중이기 때문에 7.1.5 PTR 빌드에 모든 변경점이 바로 적용되지는 않을 것임. 군단 확장팩 전체에 걸쳐 계속 진행되는 프로젝트임.

-직업 변경사항들은 7.X.5 패치타이밍과 잘 맞아 떨어져서 앞으로도 이런 유형의 패치들을 자주 볼 수 있을 것임.

Artifact Appearances
  • Artifact appearances won't be removed at the end of the expansion. You will be able to see them and unlock them still.
  • You will be able to earn the appearances so you can transmog other weapons to look like the Artifacts after Legion is over in some time limited way.
  • The team will figure out a solution to making the Artifact cat and bear forms available after Legion.
-유물룩은 확장팩 끝나도 안없어짐. 여전히 볼 수 있고, 형상 잠금해제도 가능할 것임.

-군단이 끝난 뒤에 유물 무기 형상을 얻어 형변이 가능하게끔 할 것임. 형상 얻는 데는 시간제한이 좀 있을 것으로 보임. (군단 끝나기 전에 형상 얻거나 뭐 이런식일듯)

- 유물 곰/표범 형상을 군단 이후에도 사용 가능하게끔 방법을 찾을 것임.

Model Updates
  • A ghoul model update is coming in a future patch, maybe Patch 7.2.
  • Water elemental is on the list for an update in the future as well.
-구울 모델 업데이트가 미래에 계획중. 아마 7.2

-물정도 업데이트 대상에 있음.

  • There aren't any new battlegrounds planned for the upcoming patches that have been announced, effort went into PvP brawls there.
  • The team definitely wants to make more battlegrounds, they just need to find something that fits thematically. It isn't a big Alliance vs Horde moment right now.
  • There are a lot of existing battlegrounds. As the pool of battlegrounds gets larger, the team also has to consider if they move to a map rotation or some kind of focused pool.
-새로운 전장 추가계획은 없음. 제작진은 투기장쪽에 투자했음.

- 팀도 당연히 새로운 전장을 만들고 싶지만 테마와 어울릴 만한 전장을 찾아야함. 지금 확장팩에선 아직까지는 얼라vs 호드 갈등이 크지 않음. (설정상 갈등)

- 현재 전장이 많이 있다. 전장 종류가 늘어날수록 고려해야 할 것들이 늘어난다. 예를들면 맵 로테이션이나, 몇몇 전장 편중 현상이나 등등..

Legendary Items
  • Legendary items will never all be equal. You won't be as excited to get your last choice as you would for your first choice. The team is looking at the last choices that don't feel like using at all. Fixes for these are coming in Patch 7.1.5.
  • There are few nerfs coming to the high end of legendary items, such as Fire Mage wrists and Unholy Death Knight wrists.
  • Some new legendary items will also be added to the pool.
  • You never feel good about equipping an item that is a throughput downgrade, even if it gives you more utility.
  • When Nighthold comes out you will be able to upgrade your existing legendary item. New legendary items that drop will already be upgraded.
  • There are no plans to allow you to equip more legendary items in Patch 7.2.
- 모든 전설의 효율이 똑같을 수는 없다. 가장 나쁜 전설 받아라 세푸즈빔 을 먹었을 때 가장 좋은 전설을 먹은 만큼 즐겁지는 않을 것이다. 제작진은 효율이 나빠서 거의 안쓰이는 전설들에 대해 들여다보고 있고 7.1.5패치에서 이것들을 상향 할 예정이다. 세푸즈 개이득

- OP 전설들의 너프가 예정되어 있다. 썬킹이라든지 부죽 손목이라든지 뭐 이런것들 

- 새로운 전설 몇개가 추가될 것이다.

- 더 좋은 유틸리티를 제공하더라도, 다운그레이드 장비라고 생각되면 착용했을 때 기분이 영 별로인 걸 안다.

- 밤요가 나오면 기존 전설들을 업그레이드 할 수 있을 것이다. 새롭게 드랍되는 전설은 자동으로 업그레이드 되어서 드랍할 것이다.

- 7.2 패치에서도 전설 착용 갯수를 늘릴 계획은 없다.

Quick Join
  • A hotfix is coming to disable the sound of the toasts from Quick Join.
  • Quick Join is just trying to make it easier for friends to play with each other. Players in the same guild were solo queuing for things in parallel.
-빠른 참여시 나는 소리(안해봐서 모름)를 핫픽스 할것임.

-빠른 참여는 그냥 친구들과 같이 게임하기 편하게 하려고 만들어 놓은 기능임.

Hidden Things
  • The team has learned that the hidden puzzles and mysteries are fun.
  • Kosumoth was the most successful in how it was discovered. It was a very cool experience.
  • The hidden artifact appearances were more of a mixed bag. The Ashbringer or Sheep staff were fun, some were a little more frustrating.
  • The team would like to minimize frustration, lessen the extent that people would need to use macros and datamining to find things. The team would like to do more in the future, maybe not more difficult, but more fun and intuitive. It isn't something they want to overdo, this isn't a scavenger hunt game. Not being sure if a surprise is lurking keeps the game exciting.
  • There are still a few small hidden things that haven't been discovered.
  • There is some bad luck protection for the hidden artifact appearances coming in a future patch. Hidden appearances from world bosses were changed to be a guaranteed drop rather than random.
-숨겨진 퍼즐과 미스테리가 재밌다는 것을 제작진이 배웠음.

-코즈모스 발견같은건 대성공임. 쿨 한 경험이었음.

-히든 형상은 좀 복합적임. 파멸의 인도자나 양 지팡이는 재밌었지만, 몇몇은 좀 별로였음.

-히든으로 인한 짜증을 좀 줄이려고 노력중임. 매크로나 데이터마이닝을 해야만 찾을 수 있는 히든을 줄이고, 어렵기보다는 재미있는 방향으로 히든을 만들것임. 물건 찾기 게임이 아님. 이런 서프라이즈들이 게임을 재미있게 하는지 일단 좀더 지켜보겠음.

- 아직까지 밝혀지지 않은 히든들이 존재 함.

-추후 패치에서 히든 유물 형상에 대한 bad luck protection 적용 예정. (이 말을 추론해보면 현재 전설 시스템에서도 bad luck protection은 적용되는 것으로 보임. 단지 시간에 따른 프로텍션이 아닐 뿐) 월드보스 히든은 확률이 아니라 무조건 나오는 것으로 변경됨.

Dungeon Changes
  • The item level rewarded by normal dungeons will probably be bumped up to 825 with the Heroic and Mythic dungeon retuning in a future patch.
  • The Mythic dungeon achievements won't be changed to a seasonal system. The difficulty going up resets the difficulty of the achievements. There may be some new achievements or affixes added.

-추후 패치에서 영웅 신화 던전의 재조정과 함께 일반 던전의 템레벨은 825로 오를 것이다. 

- 신화던전 업적은 시즌으로 진행되지 않을 것임. 던전 난이도가 올라가면서 업적 난이도도 오를 것이다. 몇몇 새 업적들이 추가될 수 있다.

Pet Battles
  • Pet Battles are something that the team continues to update, with World Quests and achievements to go with them.
  • Pet Battle dungeon will be talked about more in the future.
-애완동물 대전은 계속 업데이트 중이고, 전역퀘와 업적도 같이 업데이트되고있다.

- 애완동물 대전 던전은 추후에 더 논의 해보겠다.

Class Mounts
  • Differing class mount appearances only applies to certain classes. This was done where it wouldn't make sense to not do it, such as the priest mount, where Shadow and Holy would need to use different mounts.
  • The Mage mounts change trailing effects based on your spec.
  • All Hunters will ride the same mount, as that feels appropriate, as the specs don't diverge a lot.

-직업탈것이 여러개 있는 직업은 극히 일부임. 이건 안하면 설정상 말이 안되는 경우에만 적용 됨. 예를들면 암사랑 신사가 같은 탈 것을 타는 것은 모양새가 이상함.

- 법사 탈것의 꼬리 이펙트는 전문화에 따라 달라짐.

- 냥꾼은 3 전문화가 모두 같은 탈것을 탐. 왜냐면 모든 전문화가 크게 컨셉이 다르지 않음.

Kirin Tor Quests
  • Kirin Tor quests were adjusted to be slightly less common. They just haven't popped recently.
  • They were popping up twice in a given week, which felt too frequent.
  • These are quirky non-traditional content.
  • If they continue to not appear the team will bump back up the rate. The goal is twice every three weeks or so.
-키린토 퀘스트는 조금 덜 나오게 설정함. 최근에는 안나왔음.

-1주일에 2회는 너무 자주 나온다고 생각했음.

-좀 변덕스럽고 전통적인 컨텐츠는 아님.

- 계속해서 키린토 퀘스트가 안나온다면 다시 등장 확률을 올릴 것임. 목표는 3주에 2번정도 퀘스트가 뜨는 것

Auction House
  • There are more Auction House improvements coming, the only question is when. It shouldn't be necessary to use an addon to use the auction house, but right now it significantly improves the experience.
  • The team would like to move towards a commodity like treatment of many stackable items, such as allowing people to buy part of a stack.
-경매장 개선은 진행되고 있는데 문제는 언제 진행하느냐임. 경매장을 위해 애드온 사용이 필요해서는 안되지만 지금 현재로서는 경매장 사용에 큰 도움이 되는 것도 사실임. (경매장 애드온을 금지화 하겠다는 것이 아니라 경매장 시스템을 개선해야 한다는 논조임)

- 뭉치로 물건을 살 수 있게끔 개선하려고 함. (수량1씩 올려놓은거 싹 살 수 있게끔..)

Bonus Rolls
  • Gold from the world boss is just there to indicate that you successfully killed the boss. The world quest that goes with the boss is the baseline reward.
  • The current system is designed to reward currency on a failed bonus roll, but the team is working towards allowing you to get Artifact Power instead.
-월드보스에서 골드를 주는 것은 그냥 보스를 성공적으로 잡았다는 걸 알려주기 위해 주는 것이다. 기본 보상은 전역퀘스트 보상이다.

-현재는 꽝=돈으로 설정 되어 있는데, 꽝으로 돈대신 유물력을 주는 것을 작업중이다.

Class Trials
  • The Class Trial tutorial was focused on damage dealing specs, allowing returning players to catch up on the basics of the spec so they can go and level.
  • There is just one spec to remove any extra choice and confusion.
  • If you finish the tutorial you can try the other specs.
  • The one exception is classes with different DPS specs, as Balance and Feral are very different playstyles.
수련의 장은 데미지 딜링 전문화에 집중되어 있었고, 복귀 유저들로 하여금 전문화에 다시 익숙해지게끔 하려는 목표였음.

Challenge Mode Teleports
  • The Challenge Mode teleports were very helpful. The reward system in previous expansions gave cosmetics, prestige and achievements. In Warlords you got a teleport for each dungeon. In Legion the Mythic+ dungeons give you power rewards.
도전모드의 순간이동은 굉장히 도움이 되었다. 이전 던전에서는 업적, 형변템 등을 줬고 드군에서는 순간이동을 줬고, 군단에서는 쐐기돌에서 템을 준다.

Underpowered Specs
  • Elemental Shaman concerns are on the radar. Single target can use a bump, increased Lava Burst damage. One of the challenges is the overall feel of the spec. There are three big payoff moments, Earth Shock, Lava Burst (cooldown, single target), and Stormkeeper. They all compete to be part of the big moment, so other spells feel watered down. The team is discussing things and doesn't have a final plan at the moment. There is a lot of burst that can be done in some dungeon and raid scenarios. There isn't enough diversity in raid encounters in Emerald Nightmare, no real AoE encounter for Elemental Shaman to shine. You shouldn't be good at dungeons and bad at raids, but good at a certain type of fight and not as great at another. There should be variety in both dungeons and raids.
  • Brewmaster Monks have a community perspective problem. People aren't as familiar with your spec, so they go with someone else rather than "taking a risk". Brewmaster is very strong right now, they just feel different than other tanks. Brewmasters smooth out incoming damage so much, so even if they take a little more damage, it is taken in a way that is predictable. They have incredibly high survival. Healers feel like they can't top off Brewmasters, but they aren't actually dying. Not dying is what tanking is all about. They have great mobility, solid control, good cooldowns, can survive things that no other tank can survive. There may be a high skill cap to playing Brewmaster correctly and no one wants to take a risk. It is the same situation when players decline players with adequate gear for a dungeon in favor of someone with even better gear. People want a smooth run and it is only natural to form a group that has the highest likelihood of success. You should take that risk on Brewmasters.
  • Should the team buff something to brokenly good levels just to get the community to take a look at it?
  • Assuming there is a spec that is great and is just not played much, no one wants it in their group, what is the solution?

-정술 상향은 레이더망에 있음. 

- 양조는 인식문제임. 위험부담을 안고 가느니 그냥 검증된 캐릭터랑 가는 건데, 현재 양조는 굉장히 강함.

- 유저들에게 자 봐 이 특성 강하지 하고 인식시켜주기 위해 상향을 해야할까?

- 정말 쎈데 인구도 적고 파티에서도 잘 안받아 주는 직업이 있다면 해법이 뭘까?