Let's Do Crimsonwood Party Quest!!!(CWKPQ)

Hello, this is WizeProPhet2 in Scania, Global Maplestory.

In this webpage, I will discuss about Crimsonwood party quest which exists in Masteria, a special map which is only present in GMS.

Crimsonwood party quest should be done by collaboration of all party members, so it is much more difficult than any other party quests in Maplestory. However, if you read a guide and do CWKPQ, you can challenge this PQ every time and will enjoy the fun of CWKPQ.

With my guild, Undisputed, I will teach you how to do CWKPQ. For more information, I suggest you to watch Youtube video link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtZ1e2zDoEk


Thank you to my awesome guild, Undisputed, for helping my guide of CWKPQ.

Guild members who participated:

Rhaipyst – 170 Arch (ice, thunder)

iGotCharms – 153 Mercedes

Agaped – 172 Demon Slayer

Chamoko – 145 Shadower

IamDSlayer – 152 Demon Slayer

LuckyAdela – 172 Night Lord

TheGoldenLeo – 99 Crusader

LeviHence – 169 Bishop

Confidantes - 90 Gunslinger

X3Killstyle – Bowmaster


What is CWKPQ?


CWKPQ has been one of the most popular party quests in GMS since it has provided many valuable items which could be sold in family market expensively. However, it has been closed for unknown reason until Alliance Rising patch in January 2012. After Alliance Rising patch, CWKPQ became much easier to begin and more people began to challenge quest in order to obtain valuable items. Though it contains several difficult stages and collaboration with party members, people always want to challenge CWKPQ every day, so Masteria is always full of people who wish to participate in CWKPQ. However, CWKPQ is not like an ordinary party quest like Dragon Rider because it has a number of requirements to begin, and collaboration with members become more important than strength of party member.


About Crimsonwood Keep


According to the text from Masteria, Crimsonwood Keep was once ruled by Grandmasters, who ruled Masteria with 5 holy knights. Those 5 holy knights, which represented jobs in Maplestory, warrior, archer, mage, thief, and pirate, protected the town called Krakia, which could be conquered by the evil force. However, the castle was attacked by the evil force called “Twisted Masters”, and Grandmasters and 5 knights have been corrupted by the darkness and turned to horrible monsters. With corrupted knights around the Crimsonwood mountains, there is only emptiness of the castle existing in Crimsonwood Keep.


What has been changed after Alliance Rising

Before Alliance Rising patch, users had to pass a maze of Phantom Forest and mountains which included hardcore jump quest. However, the patch removed the entire unnecessary maps to go to Crimsonwood Keep, so users do not have to pass an irritating maze anymore. As a result, no bishop, who can door all party members, is no longer necessary, as long as people need holy symbol or dispel from him or her.


Before starting CWKPQ

Requirement:     All members should be higher than level 90.

                           At least 10 members should form one or more parties. (Making expedition is recommended

Time Limit:        Approximately 1hr and 30min

                           Bonus Stage – 1 min

                           2 times every 24 hrs


Also, there is a special requirement which is not said by Jack, one who keeps the door.

1. The party should contain at least one member of each explorer job.

In order to solve CWKPQ, the party should have at least one warrior, archer, mage, thief, and pirate because of the requirements that are given in each stage.

Also, it has to be explorers because in Stage 4, only explorers are allowed to hit the sigils. But in other stage, other jobs like heros(aran, evan, Mercedes) and resistance(Battle Mage, Mechanic, Wild Hunter, Demon Slayer) can hit the sigils to continue CWKPQ. (Cygnus is unknown.)


2. The leader should hold the great responsibility of party.

In CWKPQ, the party leader should have a responsibility of continuing to next stage and permitting bonus stage later at the end of CWKPQ.

Before entering the gate, the leader should gather the entire members of party(or expedition) and begin the countdown of signing up their names. After everyone signs up, it is up to leader to begin.

Leader also holds a responsibility to decide who will loot items from boss stage to bonus stage. The leader should be careful about dividing items equally when party decide who will ever loot something.




Stage 1. Find an invisible portal

It is an easy quest in which users just need to find an invisible portal. The portal is located behind the pillar near the Lion Shield. After finding the portal, users automatically go to next stage.


Stage 2. Attack each Sigil to pass

There are total of 5 sigils which can be only attacked by a certain class. In the picture, it shows which class should hit which sigils to activate the portal.

1. Warrior2. Archer3. Mage4. Thief5. Pirate

The Sigils can be attacked by 2~4th job skills, and after they are hit, the portal is opened and users can go ahead.


Stage 3. Hit Sigils by avoiding obstacles

Similar to previous stage, but there are some obstacles which interrupt users’ way.

The pillars which continuously go around can give damage of 5000 to users when they are hit. All users can use teleport skills including flash jump, acrobatic jump, mechanic jump, or etc. The number of Sigils explains which Sigil has to be hit by which class.

1. Pirate2. Thief3. Mage4. Archer5. Warrior

After activating all Sigils, users can go through portals.


Stage 4. Hit the real Sigils by avoiding obstacles

Similar to last stage again, but the obstacles in this stage is stirge and flame. It is not hard as long as users have any skills which can permantly resist knockback. Users must watch out because there are also fake Sigils as well. Also, in this stage, only explorer class can hit the Sigils. After hitting all Sigils, users can use portal.


Stage 5. Find ancestral weapons in the room and drop them in the correct spots

In this stage, there are five rooms which can be only entered by certain class. Each room has different shape of room, and the room can be only solved by certain class to obtain quest item.

5-1. Mage room

Because I’m mage class, I will talk about mage room first.

Mage should find a statue throughout the map. Mage should use teleport to pass the map and kill monsters in order to mark where user is at.

5-2. Archer room

Archer should kill guardians from far sight and obtain an item from a statue.

5-3. Warrior room

Warrior should climb up to the top while killing strong monsters with its skill to get an item.

5-4. Pirate room

Pirate needs to simply pass the water and break the box in order to obtain the item.

5-5. Thief room

Thief should attack purple objects with normal attack. Also, thief should use Flash Jump and Dark Sight often to pass monsters. After that, thief can obtain an item from a statue.

After finding all ancestral weapons, users should go outside and drop those items in correct spot.

Each weapon should be located on here:

Mage: Top left hand

Warrior: Bottom left hand

Archer: Bottom right hand

Thief: Top right hand

Pirate: bottom left hand which is a bit lower than warrior’s hand

After dropping items in correct spot, the weapons will be lightened and transformed into stones. Then, the party can go through portal.


Fianl Stage. Boss Stage

Before beginning the bosses, the leader should decide whether to do bonus stage or not (but most of the time they do). Also, party should decide which person shall loot items such as MoN(Mark of Naricain) or valuable items in bonus stage. After deciding that, the leader should go to right side of the map and click npc chat the statue. Then the monsters are spawned, and users need to kill them all to begin bosses. The leader should ask a statue again to begin bosses. All bosses appear at once, and each have specific attack.


9400590.png1. Margana HP: 200,000,000 MP: 50,000,000

Mage boss. It uses Zombify, so bishop must be careful of using heal. Holy immune, strong to all elemental attacks.

When killing this boss, warriors or Mercedes which have rush skills should push other bosses to left side to separate bosses.


9400591.png2. Red Nirg HP: 255,000,000 MP: 10,000,000

Warrior boss. It uses attack buff. Its damage is the highest among all bosses


Hsalf.png3. Hsalf HP: 233,000,000 MP: 20,000,000

Thief boss. It uses stunning. Holy immune, ice weak.


9400592.png4. Rellik HP: 231,000,000 MP: 20,000,000

Archer boss. The most irritating boss because it uses seal, stunning, and 1/1 attack with poison. Holy immune, fire weak.


All bosses drop MoN 100% when they die. So the party should decide who will loot it. The one who looted MoN shall not loot anything in bonus stage.


Bonus Stage

After killing all bosses, all party members should stay in front of the door, which is on the far right side of the boss map. When leader is permitted to enter, everyone should go inside and start bonus stage. In bonus stage, 1 minute of time is given, and party members should break the boxes to take items.

Each party member is assigned to open only certain amount of boxes in bonus stage (usually 3 to 4). Each member is only permitted to loot those which came out from their boxes only. However, if someone called for seal chair which also drops from the box rarely, the one who called it first can only take that item. In bonus stage, there are a lot of valuable items which can be sold in family market expensively.


Items from boxes

100 Equips of every class

Dark Scroll Gun/Knuckle attack 70%

Swiss Cheese

Gelt Chocolate

Seal Chair

Elemental Wand 5

Elemental Staff 7 


After one minute passes, CWKPQ is over and stage is all clear.


If you remember all of these routes and start doing CWKPQ, doing two times a day won’t be as hard as you expect. Thank you for reading this and I hope you can enjoy CWKPQ with your friends or guild.


I also give my thanks to my awesome guild, Undisputed, for helping my CWKPQ run. Thank you for running this, and I hope everyone in the guild may have a great day.


Special Thanks to: Daisy, Jake, Lior, Chan, and all our guild members