Since Mists of Pandaria there has been the feature of bonus throws in the game, which allows us to have a second chance at a piece of armor from defeated raid bosses, in dungeons and also in PvP. At that time, specific tasks had to be completed for the preservation of the brands, but in the latest additions they were simply given by paying for gold, resources or badges of honor at an appropriate dealer. And how is it in Shadowlands? It could be that the system will not be included in the next add-on after almost 8 years.

Because so far no corresponding quests have been added to the game files, nor is there a new currency. The release is within reach and in the past the system was always implemented quite early for the new expansion. Since the developers want to reduce the sources of loot with Shadowlands and the process of equipping a character is apparently also supposed to be slower, the removal of the bonus loot would fit the design philosophy. The new weekly chest could also have something to do with it, which now has a higher chance of getting a matching piece of armor.

Of course, it is also simply possible that the developers have simply not implemented the bonus brands so far because they are quite low on the plan. Reward structures are always added at the end of the development of new content and maybe that's why they haven't been taken care of at all. So if you are not very impressed that the system should be thrown out, there is still a little hope for you! 

요약 : 판다리아 때부터 적용된 추가주사위가 아이템 획득처를 줄이려는 블리자드의 의도대로 없어질 수 도 있습니다. 현재까지 에드온에 베타라면 추가주사위 관련 게임 파일이 있어야하는데 전혀 존재 하지 않고 그것에 관련된 아이템 또한 존재하지 않는 것을 보아 물론 앞으로 베타에서 생길 수 도 있지만 블리자드가 이를 없앴을 가능성이 있습니다.

이안 "Let loot be loot"

전글에 대한 번역은 차후에 달면서 수정하겠습니다. 

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p.s. 9월 15일 화요일 오전 11시 오늘 방송에서 베타 4개 나눔합니다.(키+액세스)