디아블로 커뮤니티 매니저 Pezradar가 레딧에 패치와 관련된 코멘트를 남겼습니다

We will have an update on this later this week along with some hard dates. Unfortunately that ETA of end of month has pushed out. But isn’t 4 months or anywhere near.

Well I think we can do better at communicating still and I think people saw the comment and were under bated breath waiting for that communication. Unfortunately we needed to do some digging on our end and we still are on our side. But I promise for some comms later this week. I think some people may have noticed, a maintenance didn’t go as planned last week and we are investigating and getting all the details so you all are properly informed on what happened. We will also talk about that.

요약하면 작업에 차질이 생겨 늦어졌고 ETA라고 얘기한 월말 일정도 지연될거라네요. 조만간 새로운 소식을 전할거라고 합니다
